Jones n the stars
yikes im really thankful i redrew this
it was originally gonna be joneses i.d. and it would reveal alot of cool things like her full name yknow things like that but i got rid of that idea idunno why
Kali makes jones strike some dumb pose
even if these were early sketches they still look REALLY GOOD ...asidess from the fact shes really stiff i mean like i could make the excuse that she was embarrassed and thats why shes so stiff but really im just not good at doing flowy poses atm
i also tried to make her look like she was biting her lip in the 2nd picture but i couldnt get it just how i wanted it to look so i just said whatever and gave her a awkward smile instead
Her design is cool I think, lotta angular shapes, and it goes well together ! ( if you get what i mean) :3